Nature Full Humpday 10k

Nature Full Humpday 10k

I had a great plan for a running route this am. But the great plan didn't happen. I was going to run to Charlestown and it was going to be great. But it didn't happen. Instead I ran 6 miles along the Mystic Valley Reservation.  I was able to explore parts I've never been on and encounter all kinds of nature from bunnies, spiders, and ducks. Ironically in this oasis, I was right next to I-93.  At one point I had to stop because I thought I was lost. Funny. Lost in the reservation but still in the city.

I realize I need to rest my legs. For some my right leg felt heavy this morning. I'll make sure to hydrate more and rest it.

Staying on Track

Staying on Track

New Day, New Month

New Day, New Month