Race day 10k Humpday?

Race day 10k Humpday?

Final gradesare turned in and I can take my time for am run because I don't have to be on campus at a set time. Of course I'm up early but I thought I would drive across the river for am run to mix thingsup.

The birds woke me up around 4:30am. By the time I got myself together I was over at MIT by 5:15am. I thought I was super lucky because there was so much parking available on memorial drive. Then I read one of the signs. Every third Wednesday from 8-noon isstreet cleaning.  It was crack of dawn early and I would be finished way before 8am.

Over on this side of the river this am it was crazy. It wasn't even 6am, not even 5:30am and runners were out, bikers were out, walkers were out, people walking dogs were out. It was crazy. And it was 65 degrees and brightto boot.

When your used to am runs alone with a runner popping up every now and then, that's ok. But literally there were people everywhere this morning. Running in couples, alone, couples, more groups of people running.

At one point I had to speed up so I can have space. I was sandwichedaround a couple of runners. Insane. LOL

Instead of a 10k humpday, I ran 7 miles. It was the adventure this morning :)

Public  Garden selfishness

Public Garden selfishness

5 mile Tuesday

5 mile Tuesday