Sunday Sparkle

Sunday Sparkle

Holiday weekend runs always lead to uniquesightings. Running this morning I saw plenty of houses with red, white, and blue themes, sparkles, and decor. Some unique arrangements and others that were " common". 

Besides the holiday colors today was also a special day. Mother Teresa was becoming a saint today. I remember watching her on TV and seeing her works of charity. I thought about the people that I know who probably should also be canonized into a saint. People who are so giving, selfless, and supportive. My mother always comes to mind without question. People who I want to strive to be like ( always a work in progress). It takes work, compassion, strength and courage to engage in actions and faith that goes against the norm.

Mother Teresa was like that. We all should be like that. I had to run to the Madonna Queen of the Universe Shrine

Sandcastle of Labor

Sandcastle of Labor

10 miles of change

10 miles of change