10 miles of change

10 miles of change

 Today was a Saturday long run. 10 miles. In 15 days I'll be running in state number 18. Now long miles are really important to get in before race day. Especially when I only have two "weekends" before race day to "get it in".

I started running and it really felt like fall with the 61 degree temperature.  Around mile marker 3, I ran in to Revere, Massachusetts. I stopped around the Marsh.  I was taken by the gray of the marsh, which is a part of the Belle Isle Marsh Reservations. Everything just looked so dark and dirty. Then I had never notices the " blocks". I'm not sure why they were there or even the purpose. It was very gloomy and peaceful and the blocks gave it an artsy flare as well.


Mile Marker 6, I was in Winthrop and the scenery changed again. Instead of the dark and gloomy marsh, there was the ocean and seagulls. I saw the "Love is Free" written on the brick wall. That put a smile on my face. I wondered " Is love really free?" I know some people are paying the price for "love" :). Love is free but the emotions are costly. Costly can be a positive or negative thing depending on the relationship and person. I notice the exclamation mark. Someone is very happily in love that wrote that.

Mile Maker 10, back to East Boston to finish the route. I wanted to finish strong by running up a hill. This was going to be my "hill training" run for the week. While running, I noticed the free book box. The box is apart of the little free library  book movement. I saw several of the library boxes when I ran in Minnesota for State #16. In Minneapolis they were everywhere. Each library box was so unique and really cool. I didn't know I had them in my neighborhood. At least this one. There was the added bonus of the skeleton looking on.

All of this in 10 miles. 10 miles of change on a saturday.



Sunday Sparkle

Sunday Sparkle

Start of September and the Fall Season

Start of September and the Fall Season