Trick or Treat am run

Trick or Treat am run

Trick or Treat am running morning. At 5:45am it was 66 degrees out with cool breezes. My stride was on point this morning and there was the strong smell of weed in the air. LOL And its only Wednesday.

I was finally able to get a good nights sleep yesterday. Perhaps part of the good sleep was two glasses of wine I had. :).  Because of the evening I was able to start the morning on a good note considering all that is going ontoday: the last day to register to vote in Massachusetts and last presidential debate before November 8th.

This was my morning to breathe and just take everything in and process all I have to do for the next two weeks with advising and meetings.  I ran 5 miles but I could have done more, that's how good I felt this am. But, I know better of course

Even with all the crap one has to endure, there can still be some beauty/goodness that comes from it( hence, the flower next to the oil trucks- in picture).

Eyes are Watching: Self, Society, and Impressisons

Eyes are Watching: Self, Society, and Impressisons

7 miles for Mom's 70th Birthday

7 miles for Mom's 70th Birthday