Sunday Summer Long Run

Sunday Summer Long Run

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

Yesterday’s Road to Wellness 5k was lit! So much fun, so much positive energy. Since I ran 3 miles yesterday, I can run 9 miles today. On the schedule today for marathon training is 12 miles. Because I ran 3 miles yesterday, I can run 9 miles today. It’s about Time on feet. This week I’ve done a lot of running.

9 miles was the goal for today. I knew there were nine miles around the mystic River Reservation. Plus it was a shorter distance from the Iowan’s house then going to run along the Charles or Revere Beach.

My right knees feels wonky. I got a massage at RTW and Chris, the guy working my legs, did a lot with my right leg. It feels tight bending it. I made sure to stretch it out before I ran.

It’s 61 degrees and it’s still summer damn it! Though it feels like fall because it’s cool and windy. Fall will be here on the 21st.

After my stretching I started to run. My left leg with the Hoffa Fat Pad, felt fine. I felt good, strong, and steady. This right leg of mine. After 2 miles I was really in my groove. Again, this right leg was holding me back.

It was me and the stalkers along the river. Sunny, cool, quiet, and beautiful. That was the theme of the morning run. I didn’t start running until 6:45a.m. I needed to sleep in a bit.

Unfortunately, I missed up on the miles and route. I opted not to run to Charlestown, since I did it last week. I finished with 7.23 miles. Short of my 9 mile goal. By this time my right leg needed to rest. I walked for .77 to finish at 8 miles. If it wasn’t for the leg, I could have done 10 to be honest.

Listening to my body, taking healthy and making adjustments is the name of the game.

7.23 miles; 1:24:25; 11:40 mile/pace; 823 calories burned

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Road to Wellness 5k 10th anniversary

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