Butterflies and stalker ducks

Butterflies and stalker ducks

COVID- 19 “ The Rona”

It’s Friday! It has been a long time since I ran in Franklin Park for a Franklin Park Friday. Today was the day to go back to the park. Since the heat wave is over, it was nice and cool for the morning run. I was surprised to see the butterfly and flower display at the zoo entrance. I guess the zoo is open now and this is a good way to welcome people back. This is the point that I started my run after looking at the beautiful display.

The joy of Franklin Park is seeing black and brown people walking and running in the park. That is all I saw. I know black people golf on the Franklin Park golf course. But this morning all I saw were the black and brown people running and the white folks golfing.

People had on mask or at them below their face as they talked with each other or running( like myself). I could swear that come guy walking yelled at me to put my mask on. I was running in the street and he was on the sidewalk. That was a first for me to be yelled at.

For an early Friday morning, there were lots of people out. Walking in groups and couples, black folks, all before 6:30 a.m. I loved seeing the black women with their hair wrapped up, still walking and doing their thing.

I was running along until I saw them. The massive gang of ducks and geese. There were so many. I had never seen so many at once. It was like watching a car crash, I had to stop and watch them. I didn’t know the duck and geese hang out together. There was one one goose, I think he was like the overseer of the hang.

I was amazed but I couldn’t let this deter me from my running goals.

I finished my Franklin Park running loop. When I did it was only 2.00 miles. I thought about stopping there. I knew I could get a 5k out of the morning run. I had a union phone call at 7:30 a.m., At this time it was 6:55a.m. I knew I could get in another mile or so and still be able to make my phone call on time.

I ran 3.52 miles and still have time to spare for my phone call.

This morning’s run was such an unexpected adventure from seeing a fabulous zoo welcome display to the ducks and geese stalker mob. Such a fun and good way to start the morning

Quick Saturday

Quick Saturday

Summertime Ducks

Summertime Ducks