Speed work and Hill work

Speed work and Hill work

From now on( until Paris) , I will incorporate more hill and speed work into my training. Today was the first day of this. I went to the Heartbreaker running studio in Cambridge. Class was from 6:30-7:15am. 45 minutes of intense work. We work on core, form, strength, and endurance. I will be honest, it took a lot out of me.

It was fast and good. Unfortunately, I will not be able do this class on Mondays because I have to teach class on Mondays, starting next week. I wanted to get it in and get use to doing this.

I covered 3.33 miles but it was a hard work intense mileage which I would not get on my own.

Here’s to Paris

Miles before the snow

Miles before the snow

11.24 Sunday

11.24 Sunday