Tuesday's mood
Today was a 3.85 mile run. When I got up this morning I heard the rain pounding hard outside. I turned off my alarm twice. My the time I thought I should check the rain outside it was 5:55a.m. I got up, looked outside and thought “ It’s not that bad”. “ I can at least do one mile”. By the time I got myself laced up, it was a light sprinkle and 47 degrees out. As I was running in the light, I encountered a male space. I passed by some many construction men walking to there assignment. I wondered what they must think of me, if anything. As I passed them with my running gear and they are weighted down in their working gear.
I was going to turn back after a mile but I kept on going. I wanted to explore some more and enjoy not rushing on a run. When I looked at my phone, the time was getting close to 6:45 a.m. and I had a 7:30 meeting , which I was not going to be able to make. So why not enjoy the run and the morning