Flat Pavement and Urban Bunnies

Flat Pavement and Urban Bunnies

Monday am run back in the bean after running in state #26. State #26 was the the hardest half I've done to date. So far there have been 30. I felt like I needed running shoes/hiking boots/cleats for the steep uphills, mud, grass, dirt, gravel, and more.

So it felt familiar and good to run 5k this morning on flat pavement and around the ocean. I missed the concrete and I saw 3 urban bunnies this morning too. Fuel for thought: urban bunnies good luck or not?.

Oddly, I miss the sound of the Shenadoah river and looking at the Blue Ridge mountains. Who knew.

Since I went to bed so early I was up and out by 5am this morning. It was very quiet, cloudy, misty, and daylight had not hit yet.

My body isstill feeling the pain of the race but running a 5k this morning I was feeling better.


5 mile Tuesday

5 mile Tuesday

Standing out in the crowd

Standing out in the crowd