Strong Monday

Strong Monday

Last Monday of the Month of September. It's official fall and October is pretty much here. How did that happen? This was the last Bodyshred workout with my 515am crew until next month.

Today we had a fabulous Monday surprise. We decided to mixup Bodyshred with Strong by Zumba. The best way for me to describe this, is that it is a mixture between Zumba, tabata, and bodyshred. It was morning clubbing of sweat, weights, burpees, dancing..just and overall body intense workout.

Doing this is so beneficial to running, strength, and over all health. Since I had to be on campus for meetings on Monday, I didn't have time for a post Cal-Zone run.

Day after  Debate #1: Recovery Run

Day after Debate #1: Recovery Run

Sunflowers: Bye Summer, Hello Fall

Sunflowers: Bye Summer, Hello Fall