Running Back at Sea Level: Urban Sociologist comes out

Running Back at Sea Level: Urban Sociologist comes out

Monday I was in route back to Boston from #19. It was a luxuryto travel back without rushing right after a race. My body could rest a bit. Today, it was time to hit the pavement and get ready for #20. Running in the Virginia Hills and being 2,700 ft above sea-level, I appreciate running at sea level. My body felt the difference. Plus running by the water, smelling it, and seeing the urban city lights again, was a joy and I missed it.

AsI was running I thought about the changes in the urban landscape. I hadn't been back to Virginia Tech in 11 years and the placed looked so different. Numerous parking garages, and chains..Starbucks, panera, mellow mushroom, five guys..etc,  and the new housing and housing developments. All these things were not there 11 years ago.

Changes in those spaces changes community and interaction dynamics, urbanism 101.

Running in my city this am and noticing the new luxury apartment and housing complexes that are being build, and where they are, it's purposeful and mindful and not always a good thing.  The lovely views of the water and city are now being blocked and certain people will have access to them. Whom benefits from the new design and resources of the city.

Many urban thoughts on run this am :)


Its a Lady Gaga kind of Humpday

Its a Lady Gaga kind of Humpday

Pre Run before #19

Pre Run before #19