Road of the Rainbows 5k:2024

Road of the Rainbows 5k:2024

COVID-19, “ The Rona Era”

I participated in the inaugural Road of the Rainbows 5k event four years ago. I walked three loops around the Boston Commons with the Iowan. The race wasn’t time. The set up was closer to the end of the Commons by the Public Gardens. This race was created through the Boston Theater Foundation/Group. I remember there being some vendors and a post drag party at the Moxy hotel with a free drink ticket. The race was to bring more attention to Pride Month and the Queer Community.

Fast forward 4 years an a lot has changed. It’s gotten bigger , better, and it’s officially apart of Saturday’s Pride parade and festivities. The beauty about this race is that it’s all inclusive. You can walk, run, do the 5k or do a one mile or just two. Whatever is best for you. Everyone gets a medal in the end. This, to me was the ultimate fun race with costumes, kids, dogs, runners, and walkers.

We did had to do three loops around the commons, but the race started and finished at the other end of the park, closer to Tremont street and Park Street T stop.

Registration and free- which was really discounted face painting started at 9a.m. The race started at 10a.m.

I was taken back by all the vendors and how this race had grown. They had close to 2000 people running. It was so much fun to see everyone there. The energy and common good for human rights, love, and celebrating and supporting the queer community was amazing.

Black Men Run showed up 10 deep. Unfortunately, we did not have as many BGR ladies as I would have wanted. Not sure if we didn’t advertise enough. Also, it was Road to Wellness 5k free clinic training on Saturday as well. A lot of things going on.

I was going to run/walk this race. You can also get an option to have it timed or not. Originally, I wasn’t going to have it timed. At check in, a person that I know ( shame on me , I forgot her name) was like, your not going to do this un timed. I said I was, then she gave me a look. Damn this run bullies, I told her to give me timed bib.:).

I’m not one for wearing costumes and dressing up for running. I got my chest painted and put a sticker on my face. The $10 was so worth it.

Oh did I forgot to mention there were bubbles.

Luckily it wasn’t too hot for a 10a.m. start. The weather was perfect. Seeing the stream of runners, let me know how big this race has gotten. Also, we passed several vendors along our route because they were there for Pride festivities. There were so many vendors, food trucks, and informational stands. Again, this was not there 4 years ago. I couldn’t wait to check it out when I was finished.

For three loops I was never alone. I was surrounded by colorful costumes, runners, walkers, and cheer squads. There were two water stations, I made sure to stop at each one during each of my loops. Oh and it’s a bit of an incline. We ran on part of the freedom trail that goes up towards the state house. Yeah, that was the most challenging part.

And the tourist, the tourist! Many of them were amazed , curious and cautious to see all of us running through the commons. The tourist that were on the freedom trail tour had to pause and stay at of our way or they would be run over literally. Ha!

I was in my own zone. Running for fun. Taking in the sights, taking pictures, this was a no pressure race.

My time: 34:40 at a 11:10 pace.

When I finished, the festivities continued with free coffee, ice cream, and hanging out with my friends that ran. Then I was able to go and check out the vendors, see part of the parade, and have interesting and fun conversations.

All of this before 1pm on a Saturday. Saturday was a great day.

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Fast, Faster, Fastest: Track Tuesday

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