3.60 before Running Clinic

3.60 before Running Clinic

This is the second Saturday of participating in the road to well 5k running clinic. We have four wonderful coaches to help people get ready for the 5k race in September. Today we did track work.

Before all of that because we meet at 9am, I send  out an invitation if anyone wanted to run 3 miles at 7a.m. before the 9am workout. Alas, no takers. In under 4 miles I ran from Madison Park High School in  Roxbury to Northeastern( Roxbury/South End) to Isabella Steward Gardner Museum, Simmons College, Mass School ofArt and Design( Fens areas). Boston is not that big.

By the time I ran back to my car, I saw Florence(BGR member)  walking  my way. We were able to find the track together.


Madison Park Track field is amazing. Unfortunately, the school looks like a prison. Everything is concrete and very 70s Boston ugly. This field is a gem that needs redeveloping. If the city put in some monies and connect it with the Reggie Lewis Center, the possibilities would be endless. Yet, the city likes to keep investing in over priced condos and hotels and not the current green space, park space, and the community housing that is already there.

From the other coaches, this track is one of the biggest ,  widest, and under used track. When I start seriously training, I'm going to come out here and use it.

Learning Track work- outs.

With this track, you go around 4 times and it's a mile. After warm ups, we ran around the track 2 miles fast( I was apart of the led time). Have a 2 minute cool down, while still moving and then run 1 time around fast, 2 min rest, finally  run around 2 twice for a cool down.

It's apart of the  Yasso 800

Me and my BGR crew worked it out. The coolness of 65 degrees was so welcomed compared to last Saturday's hoteness with bug spray.  I loved that the ladies are at all different paces and abilities and everyone gave  it their all.

This is such a nice change from running solo. There is a different kind of energy and motivation plus I'm learning all kind of running skills that I didn't know before.

This is what happens before 10 a.m. on a Saturday

Cheer Squad!!!

Cheer Squad!!!

Start of Summer 2018: 5 miler

Start of Summer 2018: 5 miler