Faces of 4 miles

Faces of 4 miles

I had a plan to run 6 miles this morning but that did not happen. Whatever I ate last night by body did not like this morning while running. I had to take a " dump" while running this morning. I haven't felt that way in a year. I'm thankful I was able to make it home by mile 4 without a situation happening.

Besides that I felt extra heavy. Then I realized that my period is about to come soon. Eating crappy food yesterday( high is sodium and who knows what else) doesn't help the cause.

Fuel for Thought: Do most cars drive down the "wrong" streets in the a.m. and then try to correct their mistake the " wrong" way too. I saw two cars this morning driving down a one way street. To correct this, they drove backward down the street.

4 miles complete. Tomorrow we'll make it 6

Road to Wellness Training

Road to Wellness Training

Smelling in the 5k

Smelling in the 5k