Breathing in the rain

Breathing in the rain

I'm not one for running in the rain. Today is going to be super crazy busy with doctor's appointment, grievance hearing, and sociology senior awards and honor celebration I needed to run this morning. It was mandatory!  I put on the RUN hat and hit the pavement.

Luckily the rain was warm and it was 50 degrees out. Somewhat like a spring rain. It was warm enough that it was foggy out. I kept going in my bliss of running. If I didn't have to go to my doctor's appointment I would have run some more miles.

This is when I miss my mother terribly and realize how much running has become apart of my life. It's a must. It also gives me a chance to breathe and allows me to have a mental health moment.  Here's to 6.1 in the rain

D.C. Running

D.C. Running

Greeted by the Sun

Greeted by the Sun