Global Humpday 10k
Last night I went to a carbio bootcamp class. Everything got worked, as far as I can remember. There was too much sweat and I can't fully recall. I do remember some burpees, high knees, running, weights, bands, planks and more stuff. Afterwards I got my measurements:
Ch w- 34
A- 11.5
We'll see what the measurements will be in 6 weeks.
Today, I slept in a little bit longer before I hit pavement for the Wednesday 6 mile run.
As I was running I saw these flags and thought about the people that live in my neighborhood and what it means to be a global community. And what it means to be citizens of the world and inclusive of all. When I was in Italy, I was getting information on the local news. And they had some bat shit crazy things going on as well. The bat shitness is global. Running is global. Inequality is global. Activism and protest is global.
......thoughts on a 6 mile run