Sunday Snow
Sunday a.m. run snow day! Sunday should have been a long run. This morning it was 4.21 miles of a warm 36 degree run. The streets were not bad and the sand trucks were out in full force. This is the kind of snow that I like. Pretty to look at but in 3 hours it will be melted and gone. I would have gone for my 10 mile run but not knowing 100% if all the snow would have been melted it wasn't worth the risk. Plus I have to be mindful of doing soul cycle yesterday and my back is still a bit tight.
For some reason I'm still running slow. I'm not running my normal pace. I've been running 9:45 and even a 9:50 min mile. Normally I'm around a 9:15/9:25. I did get there after mile 3. Not sure if I have to work on nutrition, hydrate more, sleep more, what. I know my goal is to be back at a higher pace for state #35. #goalsetting