Halloween 5 miler

Halloween 5 miler

The month is over, it’s Halloween, and it’s humpday. Didn’t end the month with the humpday 10k. But did it with a 5.46 miler. Something about the dark and the cold that is the struggle to get up early. My alarm went off at 5 a.m. and I walked out the door, laced up and all at 5:30a.m.

Hitting the pavement this morning was scary because everyone and their momma was out driving early. Not sure if it was because of Halloween or people wanted to get a spot for the Boston Red Sox’s World Series Parade. It was dark and busy out this morning.

I did see two other people( men) running in the a.m this morning as well. It was a busy active a.m.

Miles got in and the scary was overcomed.

Kicking off November with All Saints

Kicking off November with All Saints

Staying on the course

Staying on the course