Never Don't Finish

Never Don't Finish

The last day of the month of March! I planned on a long Saturday run but my Black Girl Run(BGR) sistas wanted to run with  Heartbreak Hill  Running Company.  The story has three location the running group they had was in their Newton location. For 17 weeks they have been training people to run the Boston Marathon. This week you could choose between a 12 or 14 mile run.  My plan as well as the ladies was to do between 5 and 6 miles.

I wanted to see what it was like to run in a running group that was a predominantly white space. When I got there, you could see the massive of groups of people running. The Boston Marathon is in 15 days. 

I was happy to see my BGR sistas and our Afro-Latinas, and one Asian-American sista. On a side note. I saw two African-American women who ran with the group. I tried to chat with them but it was too crowded with people and I lost them on the running  route.

One women, " looked like a runner". She had her natural afro- hair thick and high and pulled back. She ran alone. The other woman, looked older, bald, and ran with her white friend. She looked as if she had run Boston before. I'm just assuming that because of her T- shirt.

You definitely get a sense of this being a running town especially the closer it gets to Marathon Monday. I don't think I've seen so many people running.

Fuel for thought: I know where we ran is also apart of the Boston Marathon route but would things be different if this group ran in Roxbury, Dorchester, or Lynn?

We ran part of the Boston Marathon route which was interesting. Because it was a nice day, it wasn't too bad to run. Then again I wasn't running 12 or 14 miles.


Easter Resistance Run

Easter Resistance Run

Good Friday Run

Good Friday Run